Thursday, 7 February 2013


Mixed vegetable pickle is famous for its taste and also for its benefits. We can choose vegetables according to our choice for making this pickle. Mix pickle is a food item which increases the taste of your food when eaten along. Here I will provide the recipe to make this pickle at home.
  •  1/2 kgs Cauliflower, Carrots, Turnips, Onions, Amla and Green Chilli
  • 100 grams Salt or according to your taste
  • 250 grams Sugar
  • 30 grams ground spices
  • 50 grams mustard powder
  • 15 grams Red chili pepper
  •  1/2 litre Mustard Oil
  • 25 grams Ginger
  • 15 grams Garlic
  • 1 teaspoon glacial acetic acid

How to make mixed vegetable pickle:
  • Wash, peel and cut the vegetables
  • Blanch the vegetables in hot water for 10 to 15 minutes: then drain.
  • Grind ginger and garlic to a fine paste and fry in oil till it change into golden brown.
  •  Then remove from the fire.
  •  Add all the spices and mix well.
  • Prepare the sugar syrup
  • Mix glacial acetic acid and syrup into fried garlic and ginger mixed with spices.
  • Cook for 5 minutes.
  • Add all the vegetables; cook till it leaves its oil.
  • Cool, put in a pot and keep it for 10 days before using..


The carrot is known as a vegetable that is delicious and highly nutritious.  Everyone likes carrots because of its sweet taste. It is considered to be nutritious and good for health. It contains all vitamins and iron. Carrot is also useful because it reduces the risk of heart disease cancer and also good for the diabetes patients. So that s’ why I choose the Carrot pickle recipe for my blog to increase your taste and health.
1/2 kg/carrots
6 tbsps. mustard oil                                                             
1 tsp turmeric powder
2 tsps. fennel seeds
1 tsp mustard seeds
2 tsps. kalonji/ nigella
1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds
1 tsp salt
1 thumb-sized piece of ginger minced/ chopped very finely
 1 lemon
·         Cut the carrot into small pieces
·         Heat the oil on medium heat. Add the whole spices and fry for 30 seconds
·         Add the carrots, salt and ginger and mix them
·         Stir often and cook till carrots are slightly soft.
·         Then remove it from the fire.
·         When cooled slightly, add the lemon.
·         Put the pickle into a purified jar with a tight cover.
·         Keep in the sun daily for 2 weeks. This will cause the pickle flavors to develop nicely.
·         The pickle will keep outside the refrigerator, for a month.  
·         To store longer, keep it in the fridge. Mix the pickle with a dry spoon every few days.
‘Here we go ,,,, “your yummy pickle is ready to serve.”